The table summarizes the IP functions available in APL.

format_ipv4Parses input with a netmask and returns string representing IPv4 address.
geo_info_from_ip_addressExtracts geographical, geolocation, and network information from IP addresses.
has_any_ipv4Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified column contains any of the given IPv4 addresses.
has_any_ipv4_prefixReturns a Boolean value indicating whether the IPv4 address matches any of the specified prefixes.
has_ipv4Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the given IPv4 address is valid and found in the source text.
has_ipv4_prefixReturns a Boolean value indicating whether the given IPv4 address starts with a specified prefix.
ipv4_compareCompares two IPv4 addresses.
ipv4_is_in_rangeChecks if IPv4 string address is in IPv4-prefix notation range.
ipv4_is_in_any_rangeReturns a Boolean value indicating whether the given IPv4 address is in any specified range.
ipv4_is_matchReturns a Boolean value indicating whether the given IPv4 matches the specified pattern.
ipv4_is_privateChecks if IPv4 string address belongs to a set of private network IPs.
ipv4_netmask_suffixReturns the value of the IPv4 netmask suffix from IPv4 string address.
parse_ipv4Converts input to long (signed 64-bit) number representation.
parse_ipv4_maskConverts input string and IP-prefix mask to long (signed 64-bit) number representation.

IP-prefix notation

You can define IP addresses with IP-prefix notation using a slash (/) character. The IP address to the left of the slash is the base IP address. The number (1 to 32) to the right of the slash is the number of contiguous bits in the netmask. For example, has an associated net/subnetmask containing 24 contiguous bits or in dotted decimal format.